INDS B.A.: Human Resource Management

Spring 2023 Capstone
My INDS Degree
I first became interested in Human Resource Management when I was applying for jobs after earning my associates degree from Howard Community College, and I wanted to understand the process of how applicants were chosen for jobs. After sending out job applications and not hearing back from potential employers, I asked myself questions such as, “What are HRM’s looking for in an applicant and in interviews?” To answer my questions I began to read about the field of HRM. Human resource management has piqued my interest recently mainly because of the problems surrounding employee retention. Trying to retain employees is a critical issue businesses face, stated by the “Society for Human Resource Management” (SHRM), “retention/turnover was the top workforce management challenge cited by 47% of HR professionals in the SHRM/Globoforce survey using recognition and other workplace efforts to engage employees.”
Post Graduation Plans
Following graduation, I will apply to jobs that have open positions for human resources. I would like to work for companies such as Amazon, Fedex, and Shell because these are larger companies and I will receive top training in human resource management. All these companies will also have a diverse staff and offer international work opportunities.
Courses In My Degree Plan
✅ Developing Management and Leadership Skills: These management courses will allow me to obtain the necessary skills to learn how to become a manager. Planning, communication, decision making, motivating, problem solving and delegating are the types of leadership skills which a manager must have in order to help make an organization successful. (MGMT 310, 210 / AGNG 310 / IS 300 / ECON 363)
✅Understanding Employee Behavior and Motivation: By integrating psychology and sociology I can gain a better understanding of the human mind, what drives employee behavior, and how to better motivate employees in an organization. ( PSYC 210, 346, 360)
✅ Social Issues in the Workplace: A human resource manager is responsible for setting cultural standards in the workplace and to consider gender inequality issues. (GWST 310 / MLL 305/ SOCY 333, 394)
✅ Individualized Study: Courses in INDS will help me to integrate different disciplines within my human resource management degree. This will help me to prepare for my capstone project. (INDS 330, INDS 335, 430, 480, 490)