Multidisciplinary Studies B.A. or B.S.

The Multidisciplinary Studies Track awards both BA and BS degrees to UMBC undergraduates upon approval from the INDS program. This track serves those who are unable to complete their original degree path and/or have exited UMBC without a completed degree.

Each of our students works with staff and faculty from INDS to create this individualized education program. In addition to the INDS core curriculum, we help students to combine courses from different disciplines. We encourage any opportunities for applied learning, internships and/or independent research.

Bachelor of Arts in Multidisciplinary Studies

To earn a Bachelor of Arts in Multidisciplinary Studies, students must:

Students must successfully complete the MDST core curriculum

All coursework outside of the required MDST core curriculum must be discussed with and approved in writing by your INDS Degree Advisor as counting towards degree completion. In addition, the coursework must meet the following requirements:

    • at least 42 credits of courses at the 200-level and above
    • does not overlap substantially with another major
    • contains no more than 21 credits from any one discipline
    • contains no more than 4 courses of transfer credit
    • contains no more than 3 courses that are also counted as degree requirements towards a second major

Bachelor of Science in Multidisciplinary Studies

To earn a Bachelor of Science in Multidisciplinary Studies students must:

Students must successfully complete the MDST core curriculum

All coursework outside of the required MDST core curriculum must be discussed with and approved in writing by your INDS Degree Advisor as counting towards degree completion. In addition, the coursework must meet the following requirements:

    • at least 42 credits of courses at the 200-level and above
    • does not overlap substantially with another major
    • contains no more than 21 credits from any one discipline
    • contains no more than 4 courses of transfer credits
    • contains no more than 3 courses that are also counted as degree requirements towards another major
    • 30 credits in math, science, engineering or technology on the transcript; 15 of these 30 must be at the 300- and 400-level

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