Meet Lake Amtmann

B.S. INDS: User Experience Design and Development


 Spring 2021 Capstone

User Experience Design and Development

Why Did You Choose To Major In INDS?

I had an interest in studying a user experience related field when I entered college. I started as a computer science and graphic design double major. However, I found more UX-related courses offered by the information systems undergraduate department and human-centered computing graduate department. I felt that INDS was a great fit for me because I had the opportunity to partake in specific courses from a variety of fields/departments. This opportunity allowed me to have an interdisciplinary degree that better entailed the skills and knowledge of UX than any one major/disciplinary field.

Post Graduation Plans

After graduation, I plan to pursue a graduate degree related to user experience..

Courses In My Degree Plan

Technology Usability Strategies: The following courses would enable engagement with the principles and theories of how
people interact, infer, learn, and develop mapping habits from visual interfaces to formulate more appealing and intuitive solutions. (IS 300, 303 / ART 434 / HCC 629, 729)

Graphic Design Methods: These courses would facilitate an understanding of the methodologies of visual design and representation through various creative software to efficiently produce aesthetically engaging interfaces and applications. (ART 331, 333 / IS 403)

Programming Development Comprehension: Programing courses detailed below can demonstrate the capabilities of programming languages that are often utilized within the user engineering industry, which is important to more effectively communicate with programming colleagues and create successful interface solutions. (IS 202, 247, 413, 448 / HCC 613)

Client Interaction and Organization: The following courses introduce the proper implementations and methods of the project development process through collaborative environments and client interactions. (MGMT 210 / ART 334, 336 / INDS 410 / ART 494)

Individualized Study: These courses are required for the INDS major and provide me guidance during the degree creation process to further my understanding of Usability Engineering and to broaden my horizons by integrating these various courses together to formulate an effectual interdisciplinary academic learning curriculum and experience. (INDS 330, 335, 399, 480, 490 / SOCY 200)